Take your ideas

From Concept to Code.

Whether it's redesigning, rebranding or creating something new. I can help transform your ideas into code with clean, SEO-driven, UX friendly websites.


Random Quote Generator

Project to familiarize myself with the use of fetching data from an API using React Hooks.


Who am I?

Hafa Adai, you can call me Los! I was born and raised on the island of Guam and moved to Chicago in 2018, a couple of years after graduating with a double major in Mathematics and Computer Science.

I play Rugby (back three) as often as I can and generally enjoy finding new ways of staying active.

I'm always looking for a good read so send me your recommendations!

I have too many interests and hobbies (listed below), but above all else I enjoy solving problems and use programming as a way to do so!

Hobbies / Interests

AnimeRugbyCoffeeFitnessMathProgrammingReadingWritingGraphic DesignIllustrationPhotography
